Integrating the Omni Copilot with your app

The Omni Copilot SDK will be available for the following platforms:

  • Android Native

  • React Native(Android/iOS)

  • Flutter (Android/iOS)

Note: These APIs are under active development and could change

1. Configure the build system

The first step is to update the app's build system to include Conva Omni Copilot SDK.

Add the path to the Slang maven repository to your top-level Gradle file

// Add this to your project build.gradle file

allprojects {  
    repositories {        
        maven { url "" }  

Add the Omni Copilot dependency to your app's Gradle file

# Add this to your app's Gradle file

dependencies {  

    implementation 'in.slanglabs.conva:conva-omni-copilot:1.+'

2. Code Integration

a. Initialization

The next step is to initialize the SDK with the keys and set of information required.

Our recommendation is to perform this initialization in the onCreate method of the Application class or the main Activity of your application.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstance) {
  // ...
  // This list, `waveGradientColor`, is designed to provide a 
  // collection of multi-wave gradient color combinations. 
  List<List<String>> waveGradientColor = Arrays.asList(
            Arrays.asList("#0197FF", "#FFFFFF"),
            Arrays.asList("#9701FF", "#FF0197"),
            Arrays.asList("#FF0197", "#FF9701")
  OmniCopilotConfiguration configuration = new OmniCopilotConfiguration.Builder()
    .setBrandColor("<Color Hex Code>")
    .enableApptrigger(false) // Set this to true if you want to use 
     //custom trigger instead of Global Trigger

b. Start Interaction with the Omni Copilot

Initiates a user interaction session in the Conva OmniCopilot platform.

When the custom trigger is tapped, it should call startUserInteraction() method to initiate the interaction.



  • text (optional): A string representing the text to be used for interaction.

ConvaOmniCopilot.startUserInteraction("Custom text to start the interaction");

c. Displaying the Omni Copilot trigger

Trigger refers to the UI element that appears on the screen, which the user will click on to bring up the Copilot.

For Global trigger:-

protected void onResume(Bundle savedInstance) {
    // ...

The trigger is sticky, which means that it will show up on all Activities after it is made visible. To prevent the trigger from showing up on specific activities, you will need to call:

Note:- Follow this step only if you are using Global Trigger

protected void onResume(Bundle savedInstance) {
    // ...

d. Customize Surface UI

To pause the Copilot Surface


To resume the Copilot Surface


To set a bottom margin to the Copilot Surface


To reset the Surface Context:-

API to reset conversation history: SDK now by default retains conversation history on the UI. So re-invoking the surface would continue from the last session of the user. If the app wants to reset the conversation history at any point, the app can call the following API:

Param: (resetConversationHistory) => Boolean value


After this API is called, the SDK will refresh the UI context (prompts, hints) for the next user interaction.

To set custom UI hints

HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("param1", "value1");
params.put("param2", "value2");

List<HintInfo> hints = new ArrayList<>();
hints.add(new HintInfo("Example 1", "", params));
hints.add(new HintInfo("Example 2", "", params));


HintInfo Properties:-

- `hint`: String
  - Description: The hint text.
- `url`: String (optional)
  - Description: The URL associated with the hint.
- `params`: `MutableMap<String, String>`
  - Description: Additional parameters associated with the hint.

To minimize the Copilot Surface


To maximize the Copilot Surface


e. Implementing actions

The app will need to register actions that can be invoked by the Copilot whenever it receives the necessary information from the user. These actions will be invoked automatically by the Copilot whenever the user provides input either via text or voice and it gets processed by the backend, resulting in an app action.

ConvaOmniCopilot.setAction(new CopilotAction() {
        public void onSearch(@NonNull SearchInfo searchInfo) {
            // Fire the search action
            // You can access searchInfo properties to perform the search
            // For example:
            //System.out.println("Search term: " + searchInfo.searchTerm);
        public void onNavigation(@NonNull NavigationInfo navigationInfo) {
            // Fire the navigation action
            // You can access navigationInfo properties to perform navigation
            // For example:
            // System.out.println("Navigation target: " +;

The parameterSearchInfo contains the breakdown of the original search request. Its structure is as described below:

// Type definitions
public class SearchInfo {
    public String searchTerm; // returns the full search term
    public @Nullable String category; // returns the category for the user query
    public @Nullable String app; // returns the app for the user query
    public @Nullable List<FilterInfo> filters; // returns the list of filters applied
    public @Nullable SortInfo sortInfo; // returns the sorting info applied

public class FilterInfo {
    public String key; // returns the filter key
    public Map<String, Object> params; // Additional parameters associated with the filter.
public class SortInfo {
    public String sortKey; // returns the sort key

The parameter NavigationInfo contains the breakdown of the original navigation request. Its structure is as described below:

public class NavigationInfo {
    public String target; // Represents the target of the navigation action.
    public @Nullable String url; // Represents the URL associated with the navigation action, if any.
    public @Nullable Map<String,String> parameters; // Represents additional parameters associated with the navigation action.

f. Notifying the current context to Omni Copilot

The following APIs can be used to provide context or filter content-based on the selected app.

For notifying the current app name


For notifying the current app category


g. Notifying the Omni Copilot

The following APIs can be used to provide contextual information to the Omni Copilot

// Update the user profile
    new HashMap<String, String>() {
                // Any additional user info

// Notify text search

// Notify CTR event
    new HashMap<String, String>() {
            // The section that was clicked. Here are some
            // examples of events 
            // "NavigatedToProductPage"
            // "AddedToCart"
            // "AddedToWishlist"
            // The product item that was clicked
            // Eg: "Organic Onions"

h. Copilot Lifecycle Events

The Omni Copilot handles most of the heavy lifting of interacting with the end-users and notifies the app when there is some action to be performed by the app. But in some cases, apps may want to be notified of low-level events that the Copilot is aware of. For example, whether a user clicks on the trigger (the microphone button) or the copilot is initialized.

The Copilot's Lifecycle Events API provides access to low-level Assistant events.

Registering for events

The app can register with the Assistant to be notified of all interesting life-cycle events via the setLifeCycleObserver method.

ConvaOmniCopilot.setLifecycleObserver(new OmniLifecycleObserver() {
    public void onCopilotInitSuccess() {
        // Called when the Conva OmniCopilot initialization is successful.

    public void onCopilotInitFailure(String description) {
        // Called when the Conva OmniCopilot initialization fails, providing a description of the failure.

    public void onCopilotInteractionBegin(boolean isVoice) {
        // Called when a user interaction with Conva OmniCopilot begins, indicating whether the interaction is voice-initiated (`true`) or not (`false`).

    public void onCopilotInteractionEnd(boolean isCanceled) {
        // Called when a user interaction with Conva OmniCopilot ends, indicating whether the interaction was canceled (`true`) or not (`false`).

    public void onCopilotSurfaceDismissed() {
        // Called when the Conva OmniCopilot surface (e.g., UI overlay) is dismissed.
    public void onCopilotError(CopilotError errorType) {
        // Callback method invoked when an error occurs during a Copilot interaction.
        // [error] The error that occurred during the Copilot interaction.
        //         Possible values are defined in the [ErrorType] enum.

Last updated